Thursday, March 08, 2007

Cursing, Post-Modernism and the Left's Idiocy

4/6 UPDATE: A great example of the Left cursing at and threatening people who disagree with their positions (as usual) is here. The target of their hatred this go-around is actually a non-partisan group that disagrees with Al Gore's assertions on global warming.

Big Surprise: Lefties Curse -- A Lot More than We Do

Patrick Ishmael published this interesting piece on his blog about foul language used in arguments online. He did a bunch of Google searches based on George Carlin's infamous "Seven Dirty Words" to see which side, left or right, in fact uses them more (if either). The result, that foul language is present WAY more often in leftist arguments than on the right, is no surprise to conservatives as we've been complaining about it for years. The left has always alternately denied it and ignored it.

Ishmael found that the Daily Kos, the leading left blog, had 146,000 pages containing one or more of the words, and the Huffington Post, #2 on the left, had 109,000 pages. The #1 conservative site, Ace of Spades, had less than 10,000. And even that was high for the conservative blogs: The next highest was Dean's World at 2,550. The vast majority were under 1,000.

I don't collect lists or stats on the subject; I just encounter it regularly when I peruse left-leaning blogs or hear/see lefties arguing in public events. I actually want to hear the liberal positions on important subjects of the day. I used to try to listen to Air America during my morning drive and I have tried to read liberal blogs.

I've pretty much given up on these attempts because I've found the Left has very little, if anything, honest to say about any of the subjects I care about. Every time I turn around I hear some leftie saying some outrageous thing about conservatives that just makes my blood boil. This morning Dennis Prager played a quote from Joy Behar, a nut-job leftie on "The View" on ABC television, where she basically said that not only did she hope Vice President Cheney did, in fact, have a blood clot in his leg, but that he deserved it, too, because he's such a liar. Now, this is a despicable comment no matter how you slice it. No human being should be saying things like this about another human being, period. Secondly, she just threw this out there with no attribution whatsoever. He's a liar? Care to back that up?? Of course not. This is par for the course in liberal ideology.

Conservatives (myself included) often accuse Liberals of not bringing intelligent conversation to the arguments of the day. Liberals never seem to actually counter that assertion, they just do what they always do: throw out more chaff - change the subject.

Post-Modernism is Partly to Blame

The major reason for this, in my opinion, is that the left today is a post-modern group through and through. Hillary Clinton even admits this when she refers to the world in which we live as a "post-modern" world. If you know anything about post-modernism, you immediately recognize what a dangerous idea this is, not to mention how ridiculous. But most people have no idea what post-modernism is and so they don't see the threat, and they also don't understand what drives leftist arguments.

In a nutshell, post-modernists do not believe in any objective truth, or "reality". No one and no idea can be "judged" because all ideas are "correct" in the culture they were created in. Hard to imagine that people think like this, but the more you learn about post-modernism, the more you see it all around us in this country today. Because no one can legitimately be criticized, the idea of arguing based on reason goes right out the window. Reason is irrelevant because there is no objective truth. Is it wrong to enslave women? Well, not necessarily. It'd be wrong for Americans but not in other countries. Without an objective truth, everything is permissible in some context.

When you cannot argue from reason, you instead argue using "rhetoric" or "stories". Instead of making an intelligent point based on facts ("facts" don't exist for a post-modernist, remember), you tell an emotional story that is intended to sway your listener to your point of view. Listen to radio and television debates with that understanding and you will see that this is how it is done. Leftists cannot and do not counter conservative arguments by debunking the assertions the conservative used in making the argument. They instead lob ad-hominem attacks against the person, calling them a xenophobe or racist, etc. Or they will tell sad stories about supposed victims of the conservative's ideas. Or they will change the subject by asking a question, often an unrelated one. They do not see this tactic as unfair or dishonest. In fact, this is the proper way to argue based on their worldview.

When you understand that leftists see the world in an entirely different -- and I would say, unrealistic and foolish -- way than the "modernists" have for the past 2,000+ years, you can start to understand their tactics and maybe even the danger they pose.


  1. I don't quite understand the connection you're trying to make between postmodernism and foul language. There is a simpler explanation, though: The survey was wrong. There are three reasons:

    1. The liberal blogs Ishmael tallied had over 10 times as many web pages as the conservative blogs.

    2. A bug in Google caused it to claim that huffingtonpost has almost twice as many pages with foul language, as it has pages.

    3. Another bug in Google made it unable to count obscenities in littlegreenfootballs, which accounted for 1/3 of all the conservative webpages.

    The corrected results show liberals cursing twice as often. I don't think this is reliable, though, because Google's results are unreliable, and the small sample size means a single additional error by Google could easily account for the difference. Details are on my livejournal blog.

    I explained the problems to Ishmael, but he chose neither to respond, nor to post any of the information on his page.

  2. Shagbark, thanks for commenting. I think you're my first-ever.

    I think the bottom line on that connection is that since the Left uses rhetoric to make its arguments, and rhetoric is "designed" to evoke emotion, the cursing follows naturally as a way to "spice up" the rhetoric.

    That's a theory, anyway. It could also just be that Leftists are not as well-schooled in the art of debating or research, etc., and toss out the vulgarities to provide cover for these weaknesses. Or it could just be that they're less-cultured and less religious in general and just don't see the big deal in dropping the f-bomb whenever they feel like it.

    Whatever their rationale, I think it's disgusting and drops any argument down into the gutter. And when I peruse liberal blogs, I find I get disgusted VERY quickly; mostly when I get into the "comments" section. Seems like every other post is laced with vulgarities. You just do not see that widely on conservative blogs. It is FAR less pervasive.

    I can't say whether the Google research is wrong. But I can definitely say that in my experience, it's right on the money.
