I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but just read here how Disney will now be permitting gay couples to get "married" in its theme parks, just like heterosexual couples. Complete with Cinderella pumpkin carriage ride. One has to wonder: Is Walt turning over in his grave?
Apparently someone requested to be able to do this and though it was not permitted, the request made its way up the chain of command and some secular genius appears to have agreed that our society is repressive against gays because we still support the 5,000-year-plus traditional definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. This at Disney, which prides itself on family-friendly entertainment.
The article I read is here. It's fairly stupifying. The money quote from Disney's spokesman is this: "We are not in the business of making judgments about the lifestyle of our guests. We are in the hospitality business and our parks and resorts are open to everyone."
You don't have to necessarily make judgements about a guest's lifestyle, but you also do your society a disservice by actively promoting aberrant lifestyles inside your theme parks for all the world to see. Why is it a good thing for little children to be walking around the Magic Kingdom and come across a gay "commitment ceremony" with two men or two women saying vows to each other? When did this become okay to do? Are you not taking "tolerance" a BIT too far? What exactly is the point of such a ceremony? And what statement are you making about such lifestyles?
This idea that "we don't make judgements" is simply ludicrous. The Left always likes to paint itself as the all-accepting side of the equation, but the reality is that the Left makes harsh judgements about Christians, upon whom this country was built and continues to prosper, every moment. By hosting these kinds of ceremonies, Disney is making a public judgement that Christians and the Judeo-Christian traditions of this country are morally wrong. They are saying that Christians are wrong to oppose homosexuality and, it follows, homosexual marriage ceremonies. They are offending Christians, Jews, and Muslims at a minimum who might happen by such a ceremony in the park. Apparently they do not care. Why such a large and public-relations-driven company would not care about offending the vast majority of its customers is completely beyond me.
My family is a 3-time Disneyland annual passholder family, living 20 minutes from the park in Anaheim. We will not be renewing our passes this year.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Disney Now Condones Gay Marriages
Posted by
Michael Kellogg
10:37 PM
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