Friday, May 26, 2006

Illegal Immigration Article Roundup

The Senate passed its unbelievably ridiculous bill today - during Mexican President Vicente Fox's visit to California - proving beyond any doubt how out-of-touch this body is with the American public. Only the House of Representatives stands between us and our continued - possibly accelerated - spiral down into oblivion.

For the life of me I cannot understand how so many Republicans could possibly vote for such an asinine piece of legislation.

Republicans have had control of both houses of Congress since 1994, and the Executive branch since 2000. Yet liberal legislation like this nonsense continues to get passed. Who is voting for these people? BOTH senators from Alaska voted YES. John McCain teams up with TED KENNEDY?? What is the world coming to?

One of the humdingers in this legislation include a provision that Republican Arlen Specter allowed in, which says the U.S. must consult with Mexico before building any kind of barrier at the border. It's this kind of un-serious legislation that will doom our country. Either terrorists will waltz through the border and start blowing up random shopping malls, or 15 million poor illegal Mexican immigrants will get amnesty (or continued lack of enforcement - same thing), have "anchor" children here, bringing more relatives and much larger families in with them, while sending billions of American dollars south to support Mexico's economy. All while continuing to turn the United States into a third-world country.

Michelle Malkin has a nice roundup of comments on the bill here and the "consultation" language here.

Charles Krauthammer, excellent as always: it just conservatives who think the United States ought not be gratuitously squandering one of its greatest assets — its magnetic attraction to would-be immigrants around the world? There are tens of millions of people who want to leave their homes and come to America. We essentially have an NFL draft in which the United States has the first, oh, million or so draft picks. Rather than exercising those picks, i.e., choosing by whatever criteria we want — such as education, enterprise, technical skills and creativity — we admit the tiniest fraction of the best and brightest and permit millions of the unskilled to pour in instead.

South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint has a great "Top 10 Reasons to Oppose the Senate Amnesty Bill" list on his website. has audio and a transcript of a brilliant debate between Rush Limbaugh and Tony Snow, now the White House spokesman, on the bill.

The Washington Times ran an article on the bill's passage:
The leaders of both parties hailed the 62-36 passage as a historic success. Majority Leader Bill Frist said the vote represented the "very best" of the Senate.
"This is a success for the American people," the Tennessee Republican said. "It is a success for people who hope to participate someday in that American dream."

One wonders what could be further from the truth, or just how much worse of a Majority Leader we could possibly get in the Senate. Frist has been spineless every single day he's held that title.

And Mark Steyn, always good, writes about the Senate wanting to give illegal immigrants social security benefits for the work they did while illegal (i.e. using fraudulent social security documents). On John McCain's complaint on the Senate floor about his colleagues continuing to refer to his bill's provisions as "amnesty", Steyn made this brilliant observation:
"Call it a banana if you want to," he told his fellow world's greatest deliberators. "To call the process that we require under this legislation amnesty frankly distorts the debate and it's an unfair interpretation of it."

He has a point. Technically, an "amnesty" only involves pardoning a person for a crime rather than, as this moderate compromise legislation does, pardoning him for a crime and also giving him a cash bonus for committing it. In fact, having skimmed my Webster's, I can't seem to find a word that does cover what the Senate is proposing, it having never previously occurred to any other society in the course of human history.

I'm giving myself a headache. I'm going to bed. More this weekend. It's MEMORIAL DAY! PUT UP YOUR FLAG!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Gay Crusade Continues in California

The California State Senate this week passed a bill submitted by Sheila Kuhl, of ultra-liberal Santa Monica, that would mandate by law that any textbooks used by children in California include the contributions of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) people in history. This, whether those people had anything noteworthy to contribute or not. So we're getting to the next step in what I call the Gay Crusade. Rewriting history, bringing people from history out of the closet posthumously, and writing about gay people who might have been completely marginal in every other respect, simply because they were (supposedly) gay.

If this bill passes the State Assembly (and it will), it will go to Governor Schwarzenegger's desk to be signed into law, and he has not taken an official position on this, yet. He has signed other pro-homosexual legislation in the past, though, so conservatives are rightly concerned.

I call it the "Gay Crusade" because it needs to be made obvious to people who haven't connected everything together, yet, that this is a master plan we're watching unfold, here. Up until 30 years ago, homosexuality was shunned by society as a perversion. When the AIDS crisis first broke out, people from all walks used to comment that it was God's punishment to gays for their behavior. When enough of this started happening, people started sympathizing more with homosexuals and, I believe, the door was opened for activists to begin parlaying that into real change in the culture. They argued, at the time, for common decency toward homosexuals, and simply to be left alone and not mistreated.

If it had stopped there, we might be somewhere today. But it did not. Once they won majority agreement to be left alone, they pushed for acceptance. This push for acceptance has been going on ever since. Acceptance of homosexuality as completely equal to heterosexuality is a done-deal as far as our media goes. Gay characters have been on television and in the movies for decades, now, and we are at the point in the gay lobby's "acceptance" campaign where we are now also supposed to completely accept homosexual unions. In other words, we've now gone beyond acceptance of each individual homosexual's choice of lifestyle, to accepting the homosexual relationships themselves. Gay relationships are depicted on mainstream television shows like "Will and Grace" in an effort to say, "we're exactly the same as you."

Recently we went beyond the "accept that the relationships are the same" argument and moved into "accept that the loving is the same" phase, where we were treated to watching homosexual kisses and even sex scenes in series like HBO's "Six Feet Under" and in the movie "Brokeback Mountain."

Amid all this insanity, we get Sheila Kuhl's "promote historical gay people" bill, which doesn't even limit itself to gay people. She has included transgenders, as well. People who change their sex or pretend to be the opposite sex. And this, regardless of whether the people actually contributed anything of historical value. And, whether those people were, in fact, GLBT, or alleged to have been so (a judgement call by the publishers).

But wait, it gets better. It doesn't only demand rewritings of textbooks. It also outlaws any activity that could be deemed hurtful or deragotory toward GLBT's on school campuses. So no judgement as to the morality of homosexuality at all. In fact, many have pointed out that this will no doubt lead to such things as King- and Queen-free proms and homecoming events, since that makes an assertion that the heterosexual union is the "normal" one. Make your own guesses as to other situations that could be equally ridiculed or shut down.

As absurd as this all sounds, it is really happening in the state of California. And if you don't live in California, you still should be concerned. Because California buys more books than any other state in the country, unless book publishers want to make "California" versions of their books (they won't), they will have to institute these changes in all their textbooks.

So there is a "master plan" at work, here, and this is just the latest salvo. How much further can it go?

What no one ever points out is that the Left, which runs this campaign, constantly characterizes their position as the one of "tolerance." The conservatives who oppose this sort of thing on moral grounds are the intolerant ones because we don't accept the Left's idea of sexuality. But this characterization is utterly and demonstrably false. Conservative people believe that the Bible is the word of the creator of the universe, God, and that His laws are to be taken seriously. He says unequivocally in several places in the bible that homosexual sex is a perverted action that leads to Hell, period. Man and Woman were made by God to be put together. Man and Woman, together, make the image of God. Even if you are not a religious person, you can easily see that men and women's genitalia were made to fit together, and for the purpose of procreation -- the perpetuation of the species. Yet the Left completely ignores all of these issues and belief systems in pursuit of its own agenda. That is the definition of intolerant. They do not tolerate everyone else's understandings of the way the world is. They are every bit as intolerant as they claim we are. In short, I will agree that I am intolerant of certain behaviors (and I make no apologies for it), but the Left will not admit this. They are hypocrites or ignorant, take your pick.

The Catholic Church has this to say about homosexuality:

Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

Yet all you hear from the Left is rhetoric about how "intolerant" we are and how tolerant they are. Don't believe it. In fact, we need to be fighting it hard, now more than ever. Just imagine where we'll be in 10 more years.