I had a heated debate the other day with a very liberal friend of mine about the war, George Bush, faith, etc. When you talk with liberals, you wind up all over the place in short order. But I digress...
At one point I'd made the comment that the news media is biased. Not only did he not buy this, which shocked me (I figured everyone knew this to be true), he thought it was an absolutely insane statement. I don't generally keep a list of items that show liberal political bias lying around, but I'm going to start doing so. Here are just a few I picked up today, all of which happen to pertain to the MSM (mainstream media)'s inability to report positive news coming from Iraq:
From the 101st Airborne:
"The Iraqi’s pour into the streets to wave at us and when we liberated the cities during the war they gathered in the thousands to cheer, hug and kiss us. It was what the soldier’s in WW2 experienced, yet no one questioned their cause!! Saddam was no better than Hitler! He tortured and killed thousands of innocent people. We are heroes over here, yet Americans badmouth our President for having us here."
Marines Complain About Negative Reporting in the Media:
"They felt that it's not that the negative stories — like casualty reports — shouldn't be reported, but that we never hear what America is getting for this sacrifice. As one Marine put it, it's like if I spent $7.99 for a slice of pizza and the headlines the next day read, 'Marine Out Eight Bucks!'"
The Corporal Jeffrey Starr Incident by the NY Times:
The Times intentionally mis-represented a letter that a soldier who died in Iraq sent to his family, making it seem as though he was afraid to be there, when in fact he was proud of what he was doing: "Unfortunately they did not tell Jeffrey's story. Jeffrey believed in what he was doing. He [was] willing put his life on the line for this cause."
My point, by the way, to my liberal friend was that when you are of a "leftie" mindset, you don't notice the media bias because it's all in agreement with your worldview. When you are right-leaning, though, you see the bias all over the place. Whether it's referring to the president's comments against Democrat anti-war comments as "lashing out" (when was the last time you heard of a liberal "lashing out"?) while using words like "pressing" when referring to liberal comments; or pointing out that XX number of Americans have died in the war at every possible opportunity; or trying to frame the president right before an election with phony papers; it's everywhere, and it needs to be called out.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Liberal Bias in the Media
Posted by
Michael Kellogg
11:47 PM
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