Thursday, November 24, 2005

John O'Neill on "Kerrying" the Troops

John O'Neill, of "Swift Boat Veterans" fame, has written an op-ed in the New York Sun on the actions of the mainstream media (MSM) and the Democratic party during this war. It is excellent. The full article is buried behind a subscription link, but you can read a copy of it at the Democracy Project, here.

Some excerpts:

It is abundantly clear that the vast majority of military personnel simply wish to be left alone by the Kerrys and other politicians to finish a job which they believe is nearly done and which they know the John Kerrys and Nancy Pelosis of Washington are totally incompetent to direct and even understand.
Sadly, the party of Henry Jackson and Franklin Roosevelt has become the party of retreat - from the Iranian Hostage Crisis to the retreat from Mogadishu; to opposition to the 1991 Gulf War; to the failure to avenge the 1993 World Trade Center bombing or the USS Cole bombing or the murder of our own troops and embassy personnel around the world. Indeed, this past Thursday night, the nation watched the bizarre spectacle of a Democratic Party speaking in favor of immediate withdrawal but too afraid to even cast a vote recording for posterity these convictions.
The entire article is a must-read.