Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Messiah Wastes No Time: "Screw You Conservatives!"

I said a month ago that I wasn't going to comment on anything the Obamessiah did or said during the transition because it was just speculation at that point; equivalent to his claim that he opposed the Iraq war from the beginning (before he was a senator - what courage!).  I said, "let him govern," then let the flood gates of criticism be opened.

Well he's finally in office, and sure enough, he's wasted no time making boneheaded liberal moves.  The day after he got in he signed an executive order to close the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and to freeze all ongoing military tribunals.  Forget that he didn't have any kind of plan for what to do with the prisoners there, and has no idea of their guilt or innocence.  No, Gitmo must be closed.  Why?  Who knows.  

In at least one case, family members of soldiers who'd been killed by some of these evil terrorists had gone there to watch the tribunal, which is said to be similar to a criminal trial but with different rules of evidence, when the order came down from on high from President Obama (still can't believe we actually have to say that).  They were aghast and bewildered, understandably.  Way to support the troops, Mr. President!

Some of us were on pins & needles on Thursday, which was the 36th anniversary of the poster-child for activist judicial decisions, Roe v. Wade, as Obama had told Planned Parenthood during the campain that, "the first thing I'll do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act."  Signing this would effectively wipe out all state laws limiting abortion that have been adopted over the past 36 years.  Well, he didn't do that.  But he did sign an executive order overturning the "Mexico City Policy," which provides the green light to now use taxpayer dollars - yours and mine - to fund abortions in other countries.

That any serious Christian ever votes for a Democrat in this day and age is absolutely amazing to me; doubly so for Mr. Obama, who is easily the most radically left person ever to run for President, much less actually win the presidency.  His stated positions on all life issues, from abortion to stem cell research to actual infanticide, were published during the campaign but many people just didn't care, they were so in love with him.  The fact is that President Reagan originally instituted the rule; then Bill Clinton got rid of it; then George W. Bush reinstated it; now Barack Obama has killed it again.  Not too difficult to see which party supports life, is it?

As the article points out, Obama campaigned on building bridges with conservatives on this issue, and vowed to "reduce the number of abortions." (why, given his feelings about them, he feels compelled to reduce them, we don't know)  Obviously he was lying then.  Not to sound too cynical, but I have a feeling this is just the beginning.