You can't watch TV or listen to the radio without hearing that we are currently in the "greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression" (Obama) or "during our lifetime," (McCain) or something similar. Both parties seem to agree: This is a bad situation we're in. And to think no one was talking about this even a month ago. All of a sudden we (the public) get blindsided by multi-billion dollar federal bailout after multi-billion dollar federal bailout, and now everything is up for grabs. McCain, who had been leading, has now fallen decisively behind Obama again in the polls. They had a presidential debate a couple weeks ago and McCain barely laid a glove on Obama. Last week Sarah Palin did a little bit of damage to Joe Biden in their debate, but not enough. Now comes word that McCain is finally ready to take the gloves off and start hitting Obama hard, and that Obama's camp is going to respond in kind. Will it finally start heating up?
There are less than 30 days left until November 4th. McCain needs to pull out all the stops, and he needs to do it now. Barack Obama is so blatantly unqualified to ascend to the presidency, and his campaign rhetoric so non-specific and empty, McCain ought to be ahead by 20 points. That he is behind by 5 or more is almost unbelievable.
McCain/Palin has begun to hammer Obama on his relationship with William Ayers, the convicted American terrorist who firebombed several federal buildings in the 1970's. This is fine, but it's not even close to enough. There are so many unsavory characters in Obama's life and career that they should be rattling off the whole list every chance they get instead of focusing on Ayers. The fact that Obama has ties with men like Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Michael Pfleger, etc., and is on the verge of becoming president should make responsible Americans stand up and ask whether they really know who it is they're about to vote for.
The word is that as "payback" for running with the Ayers issue this past week, Obama's campaign is going to launch a new 13-minute video online about – wait for it – McCain's involvement in the "Keating 5" scandal about 25 years ago. Yeah, go with that, guys, that's brilliant. Herein lies the problem for Obama's people, and the opportunity for McCain's: McCain has been in the national public eye for a quarter-century. America knows all about this guy, warts and all. People already know what they're gonna get if they elect him POTUS. Obama, on the other hand, is largely unknown to America. He burst onto the national scene just four years ago with a single speech at the Democratic convention. Elected to the Senate, after just 3 months in office he announces he's running for president. America does not know this guy. They only know what Obama is putting out there as PR (and the media gobbles it up and regurgitates it to their viewers without complaint) about himself. Whenever someone tries to talk about Obama's past, like author David Freddoso, Obama has his attorney thugs threaten to sue radio stations that put the guy on-air and/or otherwise criticize Obama or reveal his past. Again, the media does nothing to discourage this. Obama has been created entirely by the media and, if Americans don't wake up and kick the MSM in the teeth and start demanding some actual journalism be practiced with regard to Obama and his campaign, he will be elected president with the direct and regular help of the MSM, too.
As far as I can tell, Barack Obama has done almost no media interviews with conservative journalists. He was on with Bill O'Reilly a month or so ago, but O'Reilly is a weak conservative, anyway. I didn't think it was a particularly good interview, overall. And Obama only went on there, I believe, because he was falling behind in the polls. My point is: Obama has still not been vetted despite the fact that we're only 30 days away from the election! We don't know for sure what the deal is/was with Ayers because he refuses to talk about it and a real conservative reporter who would ask such things cannot get near the man.
If this man gets elected without having to face tough (but fair) questions from interviewers who do not share his worldview, the country will suffer for it, mark my words…