Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Obama Flips and Flops All Over the Place

The past few weeks have been brutal, because we now have Empty Suit Obama shifting rapidly toward the center, flipping on just about every position he's ever held; and John McCain, sitting there picking his nose the entire time. It's like watching the Bush White House refuse to defend itself for the past 7 years.

One of my favorite columnists, Charles Krauthammer, has chronicled a number of the flips in his last two columns (here and here). He also points out, in print and on television, the absolute audacity; the intellectual arrogance of Obama, as he not only shifts to the right (which everyone expected), but does so in the span of about 3 weeks (incredibly fast), and to put icing on the cake, Obama and every one of his supporters that I've heard so far insists that his positions have not changed at all!!

The one thing I keep thinking about during this campaign is, "I don't mind my candidate losing as long as everyone truly knows who and what they are voting for." With McCain, we pretty much know what we've got because the guy's life has been an open book. With Obama, we don't know much yet, and so everyone's struggling to figure out what the guy really believes. Well, he has the most liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate, and we can point to plenty of votes he's made in support of radically left ideas, like voting against the partial birth abortion ban and against giving babies who survive an abortion procedure and are born the right to live. We can also listen to his rhetoric, which is clearly leftist/Marxist. We rightly say, then, that he's a leftist, and a radical one, at that.

But a radical leftist cannot get elected POTUS, so he must tack to the center, which he is now doing. So we're left standing here wondering, was he lying then, or is he lying now? And this is why he tries to characterize his flips as non-events.

Let's take a recent one in particular: He says now that while he still wants to begin to pull the troops out right away when he is elected, he might hold off a while if the generals say that's the best course. Given that he made a strong point of saying he would pull them out, a brigade a month, for a year-and-a-half beginning with his first day in office, many months ago, this is obviously a flip, and yet he denies this. It's clearly a flip because I distinctly remember him being asked, even if it's shown that there is progress on the ground, would you still pull troops out? And his reply was "absolutely, because I'm the commander-in-chief," and he's the one who has to make the tough decisions (he left out a single example of such a decision from his life thus far). So he would pull troops out regardless of what his generals said. This is diametrically opposed to what he is saying now.

Krauthammer thinks Obama will get away with this nonsense, and I tend to agree. The Left will not abandon him at this point, because where would they go? Ralph Nader? In short, Obama has nothing to lose. Leftist voters could not care less about what Obama does; they are voting for him even if he abandons every single position (which he's on course to do).

It's truly disgusting. This guy has ZERO experience, zero qualifications for the presidency. He has never managed a single thing in his life. He attended a black racist church for 20 years and his wife talks incessantly about how awful the country is. He has sleazy politician and lobbyist friends from Chicago, a city notorious for corrupt politics. And now he's openly lying about what he believes in, and doing so blatantly, as though he is fearless about getting caught.

Meanwhile, John McCain sits around and does virtually nothing. The man has 10 times as compelling a personal story as Obama does, and his family is a model military family that has served this country for almost a century at the highest levels. And yet, he gets in front of a camera and looks like he's about to fall asleep. He points out that Obama is flipping, but does so quietly and almost puts me to sleep in the few seconds they show him out on the trail.

Days like these, it really looks like Obama could win the presidency, and God Help Us if he does.