Saturday, July 07, 2007

NBC Slanting Stories? Imagine That!

Liberals who disagree that the mainstream media is not overwhelmingly biased to the "left" are either blind/ignorant, or dishonest. It doesn't take 5 minutes out of any given day, looking through websites or TV news channels, to encounter slanted stories. Lib's who cannot see that simply see their own worldview represented in the media and agree with it, so think, "hey, no bias!" Conservatives see the same trash and get outraged, write emails - and make blog postings.

NBC News ran a story in the middle of May suggesting that the U.S. Army knew the body armor it supplies to troops is inferior. They compared what the troops get, "Interceptor", with another type of armor called "Dragon Skin" and had an "expert" who supposedly designed Interceptor testify on camera that he now believed Dragon Skin was superior. They ran tests in a lab that appeared to support this assertion.

Now the "Hot Air" blog has put up a video that details how the NBC case was not only fabricated, but that they willfully ignored the evidence supplied to them by the Army that proved Interceptor was the best choice. Watch the video and be amazed at how fraudulent Lisa Myers and NBC is in their piece. It is chilling, the extent to which media people will go to discredit the Bush administration and the military.

The only question is, will the public let this story go unanswered, as so often happens? Will NBC have to pay any kind of price for putting this garbage out in the mainstream? They've already caused significant damage.

As I went to the NBC site to lodge a complaint, I needed to go no further than the front page to see bias:

The headline is "Destruction Everywhere" about a bomb that went off today in a marketplace in Iraq, killing 100. The subhead next to it (conveniently), which is actually a separate story, says "Bush strategy losing support". This is the drum of the media these days - the president is wrong and losing support, and we're doomed in Iraq. Nevermind the progress our troops have been making since "the surge" and the new strategy over there. The fact that Iraqis everywhere are trusting us more and more, and turning on Al Qaeda in ever-larger numbers. No reporting about any of that. No, NBC wants us to lose in Iraq -- in fact, at this point they need us to lose in Iraq in order to vindicate them -- and so they push a negative slant on every Iraq story. It is truly disgusting, dishonest, and un-American.

While they're at it on that website, they have a link to another article that is anti-Catholic. Pope Benedict just announced he has removed the prohibition on the old Latin Rite of the Mass. MSNBC's headline reports the one negative aspect they could dredge out of this very positive report - "Pope's Latin Decree sparks Jewish concerns". This from a report that the ADL, which sees anti-Semitic messages absolutely everywhere, thinks Benedict's decree sets back Catholic-Jewish relations. Unbelievable.

If I ever watch NBC News again it will be too soon. And they wonder why more people watch Fox...