Sunday, April 16, 2006

Today's Townhall Readings...

Some great work being done, as usual, over at Townhall. Doug Giles explains why no self-respecting Christian can vote the liberal ticket. Here are a few choice quotes:

Secularism to be continually mainlined into our public school system. Thanks to rabid, vapid secularism, our public schools and universities would rather you be a Rocky Horror super freak than a Christian. If your beliefs run to the bizarre or the banal; or if you want to smoke the same philosophical crack that Caligula, Nero, Castro or Lenin freebased, they'll accommodate you...Our schools are totally open to anyone and to anything, unless, of course, you're a Christian. And if that's the case, then you're likely to get more sympathy from a badger with minimal sleep than you will from liberal educators who are hard at work making your life hard.

The continued media endorsement of the same putrid, hedonistic stuff that sunk ancient civilizations. With the liberals in place, expect more weird crap in movies and on television. Expect to see more paintings of Christian symbols and saints smeared with elephant dung. Expect Christianity to be bashed and vilified and Christians made out to be buckled-shoed morons with three teeth and an IQ of 50. Expect the culture to coarsen. Expect your kids to continue to be exposed to things that only rock stars see backstage with groupies.

The Democratic Party's liberalism has degenerated over the last 40-50 years in regard to its view of Christianity and Christian rights. This party, which formerly embraced and protected our nation's great Christian heritage and teachings, no longer does so. Thus, today the Christian is between a rock and a hard place: he can either be a Christian or a liberal—but he cannot be both.

The whole thing is pretty aggressive; good reading. I read through a few other articles there, but most were not particularly powerful. Charles Krauthammer, however, never disappoints. His take on illegal immigration, which he's been writing quite a bit about lately, is dead-on. Today he's talking about the illegals' marches looking more American (fewer Mexican flags, more white t-shirts, etc.) and peaceful. The illegals are now comparing themselves to the blacks of the 60's. But Krauthammer, of course, isn't buying it:
Americans instinctively know the difference between these two civil rights crusades. Blacks were owed. For centuries they had been the victims of a historic national crime. The principal crime involved in the immigrant crusade is the violation of immigration laws by the illegals themselves.
Krauthammer sees the solution to this problem to be a tight border (for the first time), followed -- NOT preceded -- by amnesty. Here's the gist of his argument:
If you find a stranger living in your basement, you would be far more inclined to let him stay if he assured you that his ultimate intent is just to improve his own life and not to prepare the way for his various cousins waiting on the other side of your fence.

And that's the critical issue that the demonstrators and their supporters ignore. Is the amnesty they are demanding/requesting the beginning or the end? Is it a precedent or a one-time -- last time -- exception? Are they seeking open-ended immigration or do they agree that they should be the last wave of illegals?

So many big history-changing movements going on right now. Iran, illegal immigration, the liberal agenda. You really need to keep your eyes open in an environment like this.