In Afghanistan, a country whose government we tore down a few years ago and rebuilt as a democracy, a man is on trial for his life. The charge? Being a Christian. It seems that it is against the law to convert to Christianity, or any other religion, if you're a Muslim. The recommended penalty? Death. This from the judge in the case.
Michelle Malkin picked up the story and quotes most of it here. The original article states that this is the first time a Christian has refused to "back down" and embrace Islam in the face of a threat of execution. Bush friend Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan, would have to sign the papers authorizing the execution if that is what it comes to. The article states he will be under enormous pressure from Islamic groups inside Afghanistan to "make an example" of this Christian. We can and should pray that President Karzai comes under even MORE enormous pressure from the United States.
This is one example of why Islam is a false religion. God never intended anyone to convert "by the sword." Man is supposed to be free to make his own choices: Free to exercise the "free will" that God granted him. He can choose to live a righteous life under the laws of God, or he can choose to live a life full of self-fulfillment, ignoring God. In Christianity we acknowledge that people don't convert people, the Holy Spirit converts people. All we, as evangelists, do is let the Holy Spirit work through us as a tool if needed.
In short, a religion cannot be true if it relies on force to bring people into it. But what we're seeing, in addition to these insane laws in Islamic countries, is acquiescence and support in other, non-Islamic, countries -- including the U.S. -- by media outlets and governments. The whole Danish cartoon issue is a perfect example of Muslims claiming to respect other religions, while simultaneously rioting, killing people and burning down buildings, in protest against political cartoons that criticize Islam. And governments' responses to these riots have often been to condemn the newspapers that run the cartoons for not being adequately respectful. Being disrespectful of Christianity is fine; just don't "dis" Islam (suppose this attitude has anything at all to do with the fact that disrespected Christians simply complain, while disrespected Muslims kill?)
Let people decide freely, without peer pressure or brainwashing as children, what their faith ought to be and watch how quickly the tide turns away from Islam and toward Christianity.
Pray for Abdul Rahman in Afghanistan, that he be set free to practice his religion free from persecution. And pressure the White House.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Christian Soon to be Executed for Being a Christian
Posted by
Michael Kellogg
10:13 PM
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