Thursday, January 12, 2006

Can Democrats Get Any More Despicable?

I've been following the Senate's grilling of SCOTUS nominee Samuel Alito the last few days and have to say, I'm just beside myself with disgust for the Democrats on the committee. They have the job of determining whether he is, in fact, fit to sit on the Supreme Court for the rest of his career, as the President has said. Fine. But all we've seen thus far have been attempts at character assassination, with no provocation at all. They've implied he could be a bigot; that he doesn't like black people or women; and that he's dishonest, failing to recuse himself in a case that involved a mutual fund he owned; that he's a mouthpiece for the Bush administration, and will always rule with them once appointed.

I believe they know better in all cases, yet they persist for some vile reason. They keep hammering Alito on this organization at Princeton University that he said he was a member of in a job application eons ago. The organization, a conservative political one, apparently had some racist and sexist statements in its documents long ago. Alito has said he doesn't remember being in this organization at all, but beyond that has had no comment. Add to that the fact that he has a stellar track record of hiring minorities and women, and that none of the clerks he has hired, in his entire career (something like 60) have a bad thing to say about him. This is a decent man, by all accounts. Yet the Democrats have to dig, dig, dig. They treat him like a criminal, on national television.

Yesterday his wife couldn't take any more and left the room in tears. Not only has no Democrat apologized for causing this with their incessant whining about how "perplexed," "puzzled," or "confused" they were about the judge, one even tried to shunt blame to the Republicans for her outburst. One liberal blog is now even saying the tears were staged:

Alito's wife at this point glances to her left, nods, and then proceeds to stare at Lindsey Graham. She seems relatively pleased, and she listens intently to Graham expatiate on why he believes Alito's affiliation with CAPS is irrelevant. But 23 seconds into the clip, when Graham says the word "reems," she begins to cry.
This cry, in my opinion, is staged. Yes, I believe it is planned.

And one commentor there said that even if they weren't, the media shouldn't cover it anyway:
So she cried. Lots of people cry. Women who are forced into pregnancy cry. People who are spied on cry. Black students who attended Princeton knowing people like Alito didn't want them there probably cried too.

These people have no shame whatsoever. Ted Kennedy got into a shouting match with Chairman Arlen Specter yesterday, demanding that some documents in the Library of Congress be subpoena'd. Specter saw it as a power-grab and a stall tactic and said, in effect, "take a hike." Those documents have been publicly available for a long time, and an investigation was done on them already, which determined that Alito was not, in fact, even mentioned in them at all.

Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, and Patrick Leahy combined make a truly scaring and despicable bunch of politicians. One prays that these hearings will be over soon enough and let Judge Alito be confirmed already.