Thursday, December 01, 2005

Coulter on John Murtha Love-Fest

Ann Coulter posted a great column today on GOP reaction to John Murtha's call for immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq. Her point was one I've made before - though admittedly she does a 10x better job than I could - that conservatives are far too nice sometimes when arguing with liberals. They sometimes appear to lose because they can't bring themselves to street-fight the way liberals can.

The article is a quick read, and funny. Here's an excerpt:

Can't Republicans disagree with a Democrat who demands that the U.S. surrender in the middle of a war without erecting monuments to him first? What would happen if a Democrat were to propose restoring Saddam Hussein to power? Is that Medal of Freedom territory?

I don't know what Republicans imagine they're getting out of all this love they keep throwing at Democrats. I've never heard a single liberal preface attacks on Oliver North with a recitation of North's magnificent service as a Marine.
The only Republican congressman who did not offer to have sex with John Murtha on the House floor was Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio. While debating Murtha's own proposal to withdraw American troops from Iraq in the middle of a war waged to depose a monstrous dictator who posed a threat to American national security, Schmidt made the indisputably true remark that Marines don't cut and run. (She was right! Murtha voted against his own proposal.)